44th IALEFI Annual Training Conference in Houston, TX
Current Exhibitor List

The International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors, Inc., is having a Firearms Instructor Training Conference hosted by the Harris County Sheriff’s Office and the Houston Police Department.
Participants for the training event will come from around the world to attend and we have a large contingent of Texas members who will be in attendance.
This is an opportunity to meet and expose your business/products to the key individuals who spec and purchase firearms-related products for their respective agencies.
Where: Houston, Texas
When: Sunday, September 14th through Friday, September 19th, 2025
Exhibition Dates: Sunday, September 14th, 10:00am till 5:00 PM at the Convention area
And (optional) Monday, September 15th, 1:00 PM till 5:00 PM at the Training Range
We would like to invite you and your company to the 2025 International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms’ Instructors Annual Training Conference. The conference will be held in Houston Texas, September 14th – September 19th, 2025. The vendors show is held at our host hotel on Sunday September 14th, and a range demo day on Monday, September 15st.
IALEFI’s Annual Training Conference (ATC) is attended by approximately 300+ law enforcement officers and is considered to be one of the best firearms training conferences in the industry. Packed with live-fire training sessions, armorer classes, and group lectures, the IALEFI® ATC attracts top instructors from around the globe.