Facing the target from the interview stance. Shooter has live round chambered, 4 rounds in the magazine and 1 dummy round randomly placed. Shooter will have at least 1 additional magazine, fully charged, with which to reload.
First command is “Start moving.” Shooter moves laterally, left and right until the next command. Shooter must look completely backward at least once before the next command.
Next command is an audible signal. Shooter draws the pistol while moving laterally, while in lateral motion, finger indexed safely then faces the target until the next command.
Next command is a “beep” from an electronic timer. Shooter must again move laterally and begin firing.
- When shooter encounters the placebo round, he must move laterally as he successfully clears the stoppage.
- Shooter fires two follow up shots while continuing to move.
- All 7 shots must hit “A Zone.” No misses.
- Time: Twenty-two seconds or less.
No safety errors. Finger indexed appropriately.
Equipment needs:
- Steel or paper
- 7 total rounds
- Shot timer
- Placebo or dummy rounds
Written by:
J. Farnam, DTI
Defense Training International