- Stager barricades on even targets alternating @ 3-7 yards
- 2 full magazines
- Start shooter @ #1 target, target-focus for volley (CQB from hip)
- Move to barricade at #2 target at the 3 yard line
- Have shooter move angularly forward and backwards to and from barricades
- Flip individual targets for shooters to engage while moving or from behind cover
- Reloads/stoppages are cleared behind cover
*Consider utilizing no-shoot targets at different intervals (see attachment)
Time limit: None
Target: TCQ-95 or equivalent
Scoring: 70% of rounds need to be within scoring rings
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Shooter must respond appropriately to CQB threat by stepping off-line while simultaneously drawing and delivering (*) rounds on target firing bent elbow/CQB, no sights. Speed, agility and quickness.
Shooter quickly moves and utilizes cover appropriately, distance and angles dependant on available cover. Assesses and scans threat area, confirms condition of weapon system from behind cover. If no threat exists shooter will create distance and move to next point of cover. Shooter will continually assess threat area while moving from one point of cover to another, moving forward and backward, engaging targets as they appear. (*)
SAFETY: The instructor will move with shooter through the course determining when shots will be fired and monitoring for safety.
(*) If using pneumatic targets, the instructor will blade initial target after shooter has fired a volley of rounds. All targets thereafter will be two rounds on each target indicated by instructor. If using static targets, shooter will always fire two rounds on each target called by instructor.
Sgt. Dan Danaher (Ret.)
Tactical Encounterswww.tacticalencounters.com