Objectives: The performance criteria of 1.75 seconds or the time required for an armed assailant in a room to recognize, react, and fire upon the officer who is entering. The officer must be able to neutralize a deadly threat in that length of time!
Equipment: Cardboard IPSC/IALEFI standard targets are placed at various distances from the doorway. The targets are draped with clothing before the exercise.
For each entry, a single target is draped with a fake gun. The threat target is unknown to the member before entry. “Center mass” is scored with a hit to the “A” zone of the target.
The member is positioned in front of the closed door. An assistant opens the door when
directed to do so by the member. Timing begins when the door opens. Timing is accomplished with a shot-timer to record each shot.
PRINT NAME_____________________________________________________
FIREARM_____________________________ DATE______________________
INSTRUCTOR’S SIGNATURE_______________________________________
O. Frank Repass
IALEFI Board of Directors