The shooter starts inside the vehicle, door closed and window down, on the shot timer the shooter draws and engages T-1 with 2 rounds through the window, then opens the door and engages T-2 with 2 rounds from inside the vehicle. The shooter then moves to the right rear of the vehicle and engages T-3 with 2 rounds, then moves to the left rear to re-engage T-2 with 2 rounds.
Time stops on the last round fired.
SCORING: 8 Rounds/hits on 3 targets, 35 Sec. Zero misses. PASS / FAIL
TARGET: IALEFI-Q or IPSC C-zone only
PENALTIES: Add 5 sec. for dropped shots; 10 sec. for hits on no-shoot, 10 sec. for failing to
properly use cover.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Quick target acquisition from a seated position, relative shooting positions using cover, safe and quick movement to exit the kill zone, multi-target engagement, accurate multi-shot application under timed pressure.
SAFETY: One on one drill with instructor staying to the rear passenger side bumper ensuring that shooter directs muzzle down range upon exiting and moving to the rear of the vehicle. Dry run is highly recommended for predictability of shooter’s movement.
PRINT NAME_____________________________________________________
INSTRUCTOR’S SIGNATURE______________________DATE_____________
SGT. Don Smith, Palm Bay, FL (Ret.)
Rev. 2/2/18